Monochrome Complaints

What Constitutes A Complaint

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  What Constitutes A Complaint?
    A complaint will be considered in any case where a user has broken the
    Monochrome Conditions of Use, has ignored previous warnings/instructions
    from staff, or is otherwise behaving in a manner which is considered
    offensive or unacceptable.
    It is important wherever possible to have evidence available to back up
    your complaint, although in many cases the Complaints Admin can obtain lost
    messages, edits or talker conversations.
    If you are not sure whether to make a formal complaint, it is perfectly
    acceptable (indeed advisable) to discuss your potential complaint with an
    appropriate person in the Complaints Hierarchy - this is the "informal"
    approach to complaining, where you can get advice before submitting a
    complaint formally.
    Who can you talk to? Any member of staff or admin that you get on with, any
    Monitor, a Section Moderator (if it's within their section), or a Talker
    Helper if it's a Talker issue.
    You can ALWAYS approach the Complaints Admin to discuss any problem you are
    having with another user.

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