Performed by a simple, cheap signature analysis package, these are the results.

You might not always find it easy to establish stability in your life, especially on a material level. Therefore, finances, home and other essential practicalities may suffer as a result. You need to develop a structure which allows you to be organised and methodical.

You have a many-sides, even complex physiology. This is reflected by your correspondingly erratic and nervous temperament. Your desire for, and pursuit of, change and variety may give you a reputation for instability and novelty-seeking.

Your relationship to life generally is an intellectual one. You have a good mind and you use it. When it comes to making a judgement, you're a good bet. This is largely because you possess that rare commodity - perception. This is the little man inside that tells you when you're right, when you're wrong, and most importantly, when others are right and wrong. It becomes a case after a while of always being one step ahead of events.

At times you can be counted amongst some of the world's most infuriatingly contrary people! Whether you realise it or not. Often others think of you as hot-cold, on-off, stop-start - anything, in other words, but constant. It is as if something within you will not allow your inner peace, or the ability to be reflective long enough to build a permanent foundation. However, all this apparent disruption can be turned to real purpose, and as much as you chop and change, you do acutally have a correspondingly proportionate power for creativity. So get in now, if you have not done so already.

You are a social juggler and can be seen flitting from one scene to another in an endless round of chit-chat and banter. It would be a good exercise for you to record your thoughts on paper, as you will then see how easily they might be turned to self-education.

You have what one might call a 'quirky' mind. That is, one whose individualism shoots off into all kinds of unexpected areas with enough randomness to be considered eccentric. You can be clever, you can be difficult but, nearly always you are difficult.

Your career prospects are; vetinary surgeon and astronaut.

Typed up: Fri 26 Apr 1996

Last updated: Mon, Apr 14 1997
Norman McBride · [email protected]