Monochrome Complaints

Information Gathering

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  Information Gathering Techniques
    Parties below the Complaints Admin in the Complaints Hierarchy do not have
    access to information other than that publicly available to all users on
    From the Complaints Admin upwards in the Complaints Hierarchy, there are
    further ways that information can be extracted to support or refute a
    complaint. These methods are used only when complaints are received, or for
    specific administrative purposes - logs are not trawled on any other basis,
    nor for any personal gain. Trust me, logs are remarkably boring things.
      o Talker Logs - All talker activity, including that in private rooms,
        logged and can be extracted at any point.
      o Message Logs - All U2U messages are logged and can be extracted.
      o Delete Logs - All deleted edits are logged and can be extracted.

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